Permanent Makeup Removal

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Microblading & PMU Removal in Washington, DC

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Cosmetic Tattooing and Permanent Makeup (PMU), including microblading, micropigmentation, eyeliner tattooing, and lip blushing have recently exploded in popularity. While permanent makeup (PMU) has existed for decades, social media and other marketing efforts has brought this practice back to the forefront. While many people are pleased with their results, in many cases permanent and so called ‘semi-permanent’ makeup removal is desired soon after or long after treatment has been performed. Fortunately several proven techniques utilizing advanced laser technology exist that enable removal of permanent makeup, microblading, micropigmentation, and eyeliner tattoos safely and effectively.


Eyebrow Microblading Removal

While there are many removal methods advertised as effective for the removal of eyebrow microblading, laser treatment remains the safest and most effective treatment for the removal of microblading pigment. While nearly all microblading inks contain a base of black pigment, many of microblading ink manufacturers have created blended inks to attempt to create grey or brown hues to microbladed eyebrows. The most common mixed inks contain black, red, yellow, and occasionally white pigments. We have successfully treated and removed mixed ink microblading for over a decade, with a treatment method similar to the removal of multicolored ‘coverup’ tattoos. As the laser removal of both decorative tattoos and microblading rely on the same general principle of selective photothermolysis, when treating mixed ink microblading a single color component is treated in each treatment session, and once that color is fully removed, the remaining colors which require a different laser wavelength for removal are then targeted. This process typically starts with the treatment of black pigment utilizing the Picosecond 1064nm wavelength, followed by treatment of the remaining red or yellow pigments, both of which respond very well to Picosecond 532nm wavelength.

To correct much of the misinformation found on the internet, red and yellow pigment responds quite readily to Picosecond 532nm laser treatment. Older nanosecond lasers, commonly referred to as ‘Q-switch lasers’, were effective at the treatment of red pigment, but were relatively ineffective in the treatment of yellow pigment. One of the more notable revelations after the development of high powered Picosecond Nd:YAG lasers such as the Wontech PicoCare (450ps Nd:YAG) and PicoCare Majesty (250ps Nd:YAG), both available at our Center,  was how effective these lasers were at removing yellow ink in both decorative tattoos as well as microblading and other forms of permanent makeup. Due to this, our patients rarely encounter the feared ‘yellow brow’ as the PicoSecond 532nm wavelength is highly effective at treating both red and yellow pigments. We offer subcutaneous (injection) numbing with lidocaine to eliminate discomfort during the procedure. Recovery time depends on the wavelength used, but typically involves application of aquaphor or vaseline to the treated area several times per day for 5-7 days, after which makeup can be applied to the area if desired.

In short, laser removal of microblading remains the safest and most effective way to remove unwanted or ‘botched’ microblading. While the mixed inks commonly used in microblading add several nuances to this process, laser removal remains the gold standard treatment for returning brows to their native state.

Eyeliner Tattoo Removal

We have been performing eyeliner tattoo removal at our Center for over 25 years, and were one of the first laser centers in the world to perform, and subsequently perfect, this delicate procedure. In contrast to microblading, eyeliner tattoos and permanent eyeliner are typically performed with single pigment ink (black), which makes removal of eyeliner PMU are more straightforward process. Laser removal using short pulsed lasers such as the picosecond Nd:YAG lasers remains the gold standard treatment for the full or partial removal of eyeliner tattoos. As these tattoos are adjacent to the eye, metal intraocular shields placed by Dr. Adrian are utilized to eliminate any risk to vision from laser energy. Swelling and flaking occur post treatment, and like other permanent makeup procedures, we recommend applying a thin layer of aquaphor to the treated area several times per day during the post-care period.

Scalp Micropigmentation SMP Removal

SMP, or scalp micropigmentation, is an adaptation of tattooing that attempts to improve the appearance of male pattern hair loss by tattooing small dots onto the scalp to recreate the appearance of a closely shaved scalp with normal hair density. While many people are pleased with their SMP results, we have treated many recipients of SMP who desired either partial or complete removal of their SMP tattooing. Treatment of SMP utilizes our Picosecond Nd:YAG laser. As most SMP is relatively lightly inked, typically 2-4 treatments are required for full removal of the desired areas, or entire SMP. We provide patients with our proprietary numbing cream to apply prior to treatment to reduce discomfort.

Lip Blush Removal

Lip blushing is a form of permanent/semi-permanent makeup which involves tattooing either the vermillion border (lip line) or entire lip with red/pink hues to either accentuate lip color or define the lip border. Recently lip blushing providers have become enamored with mixed inks, typically including red and white, to attempt creation of more vibrant lip colors such as pink as opposed to deep red. Unfortunately, the white pigments used in these mixed inks readily oxidize to a gray or black color when treated with the laser wavelength used to treat red ink. While this gray oxidation can then be treated with the 1064nm Picosecond Wavelength, its possibility has greatly affected providers willingness to even attempt to treat lip blushing with lasers. Other methods attempted for lip blush removal include salabrasion (saline removal), which may be able to lighten lip blushing by superficial abrasion of the skin, but can lead to prolonged healing times and scarring if performed incorrectly. An alternative treatment method for lip blush removal is Erbium Ablation. This utilizes a ‘cold ablative’ Erbium Yag laser which is used to superficially ablate (vaporize) the outer layers of skin in a controlled manner to a depth which allows for removal of the retained ink, while also allowing for full healing of the lips with no scarring. This method is typically reserved as a last resort for lip blushing that cannot be safely or effectively removed by any other methods.


If you would like to schedule a permanent makeup removal consultation with Dr. Adrian please complete our consultation request form (specifying which type of permanent makeup you would like to treat). In some cases we may request photos be sent to provide more accurate treatment recommendations prior to a consultation. You can also call our office at 202-966-8814 to schedule a consultation.

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*Results may vary for each patient.